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Database Library

Database Library is a Robot Framework library that provides keywords for interacting with databases.
It offers keywords to e.g.

  • connect to a database
  • execute SQL queries
  • fetch results from the database
  • assert table contents and result sets


Install from PyPI

pip install robotframework-databaselibrary

To connect to a database, you also need to install a Python Module adhearing to the Python Database API Specification v2.0.
You can find a list of supported database modules here.

Examples are:


Check out the tests folder in the repository for examples.

Example for a PostgreSQL database:

*** Settings ***
Suite Setup Connect To Database psycopg2 ${DBName} ${DBUser} ${DBPass} ${DBHost} ${DBPort}
Suite Teardown Disconnect From Database
Library DatabaseLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections

*** Variables ***
${DBHost} localhost
${DBName} travis_ci_test
${DBPass} ""
${DBPort} 5432
${DBUser} postgres

*** Test Cases ***
Create person table
${output} = Execute SQL String CREATE TABLE person (id integer unique,first_name varchar,last_name varchar);
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Execute SQL Script - Insert Data person table
Comment ${output} = Execute SQL Script ./${DBName}_insertData.sql
${output} = Execute SQL Script ./my_db_test_insertData.sql
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Execute SQL String - Create Table
${output} = Execute SQL String create table foobar (id integer primary key, firstname varchar unique)
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Check If Exists In DB - Franz Allan
Check If Exists In Database SELECT id FROM person WHERE first_name = 'Franz Allan';

Check If Not Exists In DB - Joe
Check If Not Exists In Database SELECT id FROM person WHERE first_name = 'Joe';

Table Must Exist - person
Table Must Exist person

Verify Row Count is 0
Row Count is 0 SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name = 'NotHere';

Verify Row Count is Equal to X
Row Count is Equal to X SELECT id FROM person; 2

Verify Row Count is Less Than X
Row Count is Less Than X SELECT id FROM person; 3

Verify Row Count is Greater Than X
Row Count is Greater Than X SELECT * FROM person; 1

Retrieve Row Count
${output} = Row Count SELECT id FROM person;
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} 2

Retrieve records from person table
${output} = Execute SQL String SELECT * FROM person;
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Verify person Description
[Tags] db smoke
Comment Query db for table column descriptions
@{queryResults} = Description SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 1;
Log Many @{queryResults}
${output} = Set Variable ${queryResults[0]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} Column(name='id', type_code=23, display_size=None, internal_size=4, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)
${output} = Set Variable ${queryResults[1]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} Column(name='first_name', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=-1, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)
${output} = Set Variable ${queryResults[2]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} Column(name='last_name', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=-1, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)
${NumColumns} = Get Length ${queryResults}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${NumColumns} 3

Verify foobar Description
[Tags] db smoke
Comment Query db for table column descriptions
@{queryResults} = Description SELECT * FROM foobar LIMIT 1;
Log Many @{queryResults}
${output} = Set Variable ${queryResults[0]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} Column(name='id', type_code=23, display_size=None, internal_size=4, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)
${output} = Set Variable ${queryResults[1]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} Column(name='firstname', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=-1, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)
${NumColumns} = Get Length ${queryResults}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${NumColumns} 2

Verify Query - Row Count person table
${output} = Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person;
Log ${output}
${val}= Get from list ${output} 0
${val}= Convert to list ${val}
${val}= Get from list ${val} 0
Should be equal as Integers ${val} 2

Verify Query - Row Count foobar table
${output} = Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar;
Log ${output}
${val}= Get from list ${output} 0
${val}= Convert to list ${val}
${val}= Get from list ${val} 0
Should be equal as Integers ${val} 0

Verify Query - Get results as a list of dictionaries
[Tags] db smoke
${output} = Query SELECT * FROM person; \ True
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings &{output[0]}[first_name] Franz Allan
Should Be Equal As Strings &{output[1]}[first_name] Jerry

Verify Execute SQL String - Row Count person table
${output} = Execute SQL String SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person;
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Verify Execute SQL String - Row Count foobar table
${output} = Execute SQL String SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar;
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Insert Data Into Table foobar
${output} = Execute SQL String INSERT INTO foobar VALUES(1,'Jerry');
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None

Verify Query - Row Count foobar table 1 row
${output} = Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar;
Log ${output}
${val}= Get from list ${output} 0
${val}= Convert to list ${val}
${val}= Get from list ${val} 0
Should be equal as Integers ${val} 1

Verify Delete All Rows From Table - foobar
Delete All Rows From Table foobar
Comment Sleep 2s

Verify Query - Row Count foobar table 0 row
Row Count Is 0 SELECT * FROM foobar;
Comment ${output} = Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar;
Comment Log ${output}
Comment Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} [(0,)]

Drop person and foobar tables
${output} = Execute SQL String DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person,foobar;
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} None