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Robot Framework Dashboard

Robot Framework Dashboard is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing test results across multiple Robot Framework runs. It processes output XML files, stores test execution data in a SQLite database, and generates an interactive HTML dashboard. The dashboard utilizes Chart.js, Datatables, and Bootstrap for clear and structured visual representation.


Key Features:

  • Command-Line Interface: Provides options to upload runs, list runs, remove runs, and generate dashboards.
  • Customization: Supports specifying custom database locations, dashboard filenames, and output tagging.
  • Test Result Analysis: Parses Robot Framework output XML files and extracts key metrics.
  • HTML Dashboard Generation: Creates an interactive dashboard with graphs and tables for detailed insights.
  • Filtering and Sorting: Allows filtering by run, suite, test, keyword, and tags for precise analysis.
  • Statistics & Trends: Displays pass/fail rates, durations, most failed tests, and failure messages.

The tool supports Robot Framework 6.x and 7.x, ensuring compatibility with various output formats.